Nancy: Did you know that the US dollar didn't always look the way it does today? American banks used to print their own paper money. And because there was no standard template, the look of these notes varied widely from bank to bank. With 1,500 banks, including many JPMorgan Chase predecessors issuing their own money, the system was chaotic and in need of change. In 1862, to address this situation and also to finance the Civil War, Salmon P. Chase, the US Secretary of the Treasury and one of our firm's namesakes, helped to create the Legal Tender Act. This gave the US government the ability to establish a uniform national currency. Unlike the notes still printed by banks, the government printed their bills on both sides using green ink on the back to prevent counterfeits. These notes were nicknamed greenbacks and became the primary currency of the Union. Salmon Chase even had his image on the first series of $1 greenbacks printed in 1862. And JPMorgan Chase owns the very first bill of that series. Unfortunately, these greenbacks didn't solve the country's currency problem because they were backed only by government credit and banks continued to issue their own notes, backed by gold and silver. To improve the system and standardize the look and feel of bank notes, a uniform template was adopted and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington DC took over the job of printing all notes issued by banks. Proofreaders, generally women, were hired to examine the notes for inconsistencies. It took until the 1930s to fully replace bank notes with Federal Reserve notes, the national currency in use today.
Unlike previous tax-free periods, businesses selling other items not eligible for inclusion in the tax-free week can participate in Shop Maryland. Under regulations dubbed Sellers Privilege, other merchandise besides apparel and backpacks can be sold tax free but with the retailer paying the sales tax.
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Unlike in previous tax-free periods, businesses selling other items not eligible for inclusion in the tax-free week can participate in Shop Maryland. Legislation passed in 2007, dubbed Sellers Privilege, allows other merchandise besides apparel to be sold tax free but with the retailer absorbing the sales tax. A vendor may assume or absorb all or any part of the sales and use tax on a retail sale and pay that tax on behalf of the buyer. The vendor must, however, continue to separately state the tax from the sales price at the time of the sale to the purchaser. If the vendor absorbs all or any part of the tax on the sale, the vendor shall pay the tax with the return that covers the period in which the vendor makes the sale.
They held a tournament in the courtyard of the villa; quite a concoursethronged the painted lists. Ippolita, a miracle of rose and gold, in awhite gauzy robe, her hair crowned with daisies, was Queen of Love andBeauty, fanned by ladies in red. Del Dardo tilted with VittoreMarzipane, Gottardo de' Brancacci with Giacomo Fèo, a young lion fromthe Romagna. Messer Meleagro very nearly fell off his horse. They wereall in gilt armour, their steeds blazoned with peacocks; but there wasno dust, for the ground had been wetted with rosewater; no bones werebroken and no blood drawn. The gallants of the Quattrocento could notabide what gave the salt to their grandfathers' feasts. They had otherways of deciding issues which appeared satisfactory; and when at the endthe conquering champion went down on his two knees before the throne,when Ippolita, with deprecating hands and downcast eyes rose timidly tocrown him, the silver trumpets pealed as shatteringly as ever over ablood-fray, and the company cried aloud to the witnessing sky, "EvvivaIppolita bella!" They could have done no more for a sheaf of brokennecks.
She was one of three young girls walking hand in hand up the alley ontheir way from early mass, the tallest where all were tall, and, as itseemed to him when he dreamed of it, astonishingly beautiful. Thoughthey were very young, they were ladies of rank; their heads were highand crowned, their gowns of figured brocade; they had chains round theirnecks, and each a jewel on her forehead; by chains also swung theirlittle mass-books in silver covers. Cino knew them well enough by sight.Their names were Selvaggia di Filippo Vergiolesi, GuglielmottaAspramonte, Nicoletta della Torre. So at least he had always believed;but now, but now! A beam of gold dust shot down upon the central head.This was Aglaia, fairest of the three Graces; and the other two wereEuphrosyne and Thaleia, her handmaids. Thus it struck Cino, heart andhead, at this sublime moment of his drab-coloured life.
They found her in the north transept, in a little fenced chapel allstarry with tapers and gleaming gold and silver hearts. As it was theeve of Pentecost she was uncovered; they could see her dark outline withits wrought metal ring about the head. Half-way down was another metalring; Bambino's head should be in there.