These items are unused in the game. Most are unobtainable within normal gameplay. The heads listed here cannot be obtained either because attempting to saw them off will always crack the bonesaw, there is no corpse available to interact with, or something else prevents the head from being obtained.
Once outside the reactor heat is taken away by a primary loop that via heat exchangers drives a secondary loop which then basicaly produces super heated steam which is in effect identical to that you get from coal / oil / gas fired boiler systems. Thus the generator set switch gear and distribution farm is pretty much the same.
Sigil Generator crack
The nuclear power issues seem to be similar in all countries, which is not at all surprising. We (US) have plants operating which should have been shut down years ago. Do we know all the effects of high radiation to reactors over decades of operation? I think not. Would SOTA reactor design have saved Fukushima? Not if the emergency generators were still underground. Operator error caused Chernobyl and Three Mile Island event was exacerbated by operator error. 2ff7e9595c