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The author has not defined the concepts. Crystallized intelligence represents tasks in which either the content or operations involved depend on education and acculturation. According to Horn (1988),[2] crystallized intelligence has prominent relationships with verbal knowledge, following instructions, information about the humanities, social and physical sciences, culture in general, as well as problem definition. Both fluid and crystallized intelligence have been defined by a large set of different variables and finding simple tests for either has always been difficult.
The reason for using the Binet Kamat Test of Intelligence (BKT) as a test of crystallized intelligence has also not been explained. The BKT was normed for Indian use in 1960. Such old norms will result in highly inflated IQ.[3] On the other hand, performance based tests also have challenges. Rao et al.,[4] (2010) had demonstrated that children who were assessed with the help of the Raven's Progressive Matrices (RPM) showed higher IQ's than those who were assessed with the WISC. Despite the fact that the RPM has been often used for assessing individuals with autism, Rao et al.,[5] (2011) found that only 42% of high functioning children selected for a study could complete the RPM. This shows that assessing intelligence in children with autism is a highly complex process.
Introduction: The term intelligence is a very popular term usedwidely to mean many things quick understanding, fast learning,accuracy in learning, clever thinking, quick doing etc. The termintelligence comes from a Latin word coined by Cicero to translatea Greek word used to cover all cognitive processes. Intelligence isthe capacity to acquire knowledge and to learn things. Intelligenceis the innate capacity which facilities effective dealing withenvironment. One of the popular and recent definitions is that ofWechsler, It is the aggregate or global capacity of the individualto act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectivelywith the environment. Intelligence grows or increases up to 16years in a normal individual. The growth of intelligence isinfluenced to great extent by biochemical, cultural and hereditaryfactor. The work on intelligence was started by Binet in 1896 incollaboration with Simon. His first scale known as Binet Simonscale published in 1905 consisted of 30 items in order ofincreasing difficulty. This was further revised by Binet in 1908.Stanford University revised and improved in 1916 and 1937 andlatest revision was brought in 1960. As the test scores do not givea clear picture of a previous intelligence, Binet introduced theconcept of M.A. The MA or the mental age of an individual can beexpressed in terms of its CA to which the psychological functionsbelong. William Stern went ahead and introduced the concept of I.Q.It is the ratio of MA and CA and the product is multiplied by 100to avoid the small fractions. Binet Simon Scale of Intelligence:Thefirst intelligence test was developed by Alfred Binet (1857 1911).His test followed a simple promise if performance on certain tasksor list of items improved with chronological age, then performancecould be used to distinguish more intelligent people from lessintelligent people, within a particular age group. Using thisprinciple, Binet developed the first test of intelligence calledBinet Simon Scale (1905). This test consists of 30 problems ortests arranged in ascending order of difficulty. The difficultylevel was determined empirically by administering the test to 50normal children aged 3 11 years and to some mentally retardedchildren aged 3 11 years and the adults. The 1905 scale was presentas preliminary and tentative instrument and no precise objectivemethod for arriving at total score was formulated.In the second or1908 scale, the number of tests was increased. Some unsatisfactorytests from the earlier scale were eliminated.A third revision ofthe Binet Simon Scale appeared in 1911. In this scale, nofundamental changes were introduced. Minor revisions andrelocations of specific tests were instituted. More tests wereadded at several years and the scale was extended to the adultlevel. Intelligence Testing In India:The first attempt at fairlywide and scientific lines goes as far back as 1922, when Dr. C. H.Rice of Lahore developed his Hindusthani Binet - Performance pointscale meant primarily for the children of Punjab 1939. Dr. Kamat ofBombay University issued his revision of Binets tests which couldbe used among Marathi and Kannada speaking children. In 1942 Dr.Lahalal of U.P constructed and standardized a verbal scale ofintelligence test for II plus school going children of UP. This wasin Hindi and Urdu. Since 1940 intelligence testing seems to acquiremore and more momentum.The Present Revision: (1934)The 1934revision of the Binet scale was undertaken to suit the Indianconditions. For this purpose, the Stanford revision of the scalewas selected and modified. The children on whom the experiment wasconducted, were taken from Dharwad town (Karnataka), and wereexpected neither very advanced nor backward. Therefore, thechildren tested were considered a fair representation of thegeneral population of Indian children.The test was, first of all,translated into 2 languages Kannada and Marathi. Some of the testand materials of the scale were unsuitable for Indian children andhad to be replaced, and some had to be amended to suit Indiancondition. Thus, Indian coins substituted for American coins, thepictures required for the aesthetic comparison and missing featuresare given Indian appearances while retaining the original Binetfeatures. Pictures representing Indian life are substituted forpictures of western life in the description of pictures, test forslip knot substituted for bow knot, the vocabulary tests are madeup from words in Kannada and Marathi. The original passages aretranslated into Indian language retaining the original meaning anddifficulty and containing the same number of syllables.The BinetKamat test consists test for 13 age levels 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,12, 14, 16, 19 and 22. Application:The Binet Kamat test ofintelligence is one of the widely used test of intelligence inclinical and educational set up. In the clinical set up, it is usedfor assessment of mentally challenged, learning disabled childrenwith speech and language problems, slow learners etc. It can alsobe used to assess intellectual level and functioning on differentareas like language, reasoning, memory, social competence etc.Ineducational set up, BKT is used to assess general intellectuallevel of students to compare it with their academic performance andachievements. Based on the functioning level of students,educational training of students with learning disabilities can beundertaken. The test has also been widely applied in educationaland psychological researches.ValidityThe validity of the scale as awhole was further tested by correlating the IQs as determined bythe scale with the teachers estimation of intelligence. Thechildren in each class were of normal age of for the class, theywere selected and then grouped into 5 classes as very inferior,inferior, average, superior and very superior. According to theestimates of the teachers, the I.Qs were also grouped into 5classes as follows: below 70; 70-75; 86-115; 116-130 and above 130.Thus the correlation coefficient between the I.Qs and the teachersestimates were worked out. This was nearly 0.5 which is fairlyhigh. Reference:1. Kamat V. V. (1967). Measuring Intelligence ofIndian Children. Oxford University Press.2. Feldman R. S. (2004).Understanding Psychology (6th ed.). New Delhi. Tata Mc. GrawHill 2ff7e9595c